Interested families should submit a registration form along with the $30 non refundable registration fee.
After applications are received and processed a letter will be sent confirming your child’s placement starting in May and then biweekly thereafter.
Note: We are located at the Lincoln School location (2300 College Way.
For Questions: Call the Early Childhood Center at 218-998-0544 ext. 8900
2024 - 2025 - Registration Fee: $50 Non refundable registration fee per child due at time of application.
Early Learning Scholarships and Free and Reduced rates available for meals and all classes based on family eligibility.
School Readiness Otter Preschool is the ISD 544 public preschool program for children ages 3 to 5. School Readiness is a 4 Star
Parent Aware rated program, eligible to use Early Learning Scholarships. Otter Preschool is for everyone!
Otter Preschool Offers:
■ Highly Qualified staff- Early Childhood teachers are licensed by the MN Board of Teaching.
■ Developmentally appropriate play and learning experiences that set the foundation for success in school.
■ Provides an environment for children to develop their social skills through early friendships and play.
■ Encourages children to explore and participate in hands-on learning that encourages creativity and problem solving.
■ Children participate in music/movement, creative arts, science/discovery, language/ literacy, and mathematical experiences
through the use of developmentally appropriate curriculum and assessment built on the state early learning guidelines.
■ Provides large motor space for physical growth and development.
■ Collaborative with Early Childhood Special Education programs for seamless service delivery.
■ Early Learning Scholarships and Free and Reduced rates available for all classes based on eligibility.