Together Time - Monday Session 1 F2024
  9/16/2024 - 10/21/2024
  9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
  Early Childhood Center:Lincoln School

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Together Time - Monday

(Infants- 5 year olds, not yet in Kindergarten) 

Play, explore, paint, sing, and read with your child as they learn in the ECFE classroom.  Class will include circle time and gym. This is a separating class but parent information will be included throughout. Take one session or both!  

Session 1 Mondays (6 weeks) Sept. 16 to Oct. 21

Session 2 Mondays (6 weeks) Nov. 4 to Dec. 9 

9:00- 11:00 am

Fee: $27/family/per session