4 O'Clock Fun - Wednesday Session 1 F2024
  9/18/2024 - 10/23/2024
  4:00 PM - 5:30 PM
  Early Childhood Center:Lincoln School

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4 O’ Clock Fun - Wednesday  

(Infants- 5 year olds, not yet in Kindergarten) 

Join us for this class in the late afternoon. Spend time learning and exploring together in the classroom. We will have circle time as well as movement/gym time. The second half of  class, parents will meet for some adult time and discuss topics around parenting and child development. This is a separating class. Take one session or both!   

Session 1 Wednesday (6 weeks) Sept. 18th - Oct. 23rd

Session 2 Wednesday (6 weeks) Nov. 6th - Dec. 18th (no class 11/27)

4:00-5:30 pm 

Fee: $22/family/per session